Materials Needed:
1 oz. package of bubble gum base
1 1/2 teaspoon of bubble gum flavor
1 cup of confection sugar
1 1/2 tablespoons of corn syrup
1. The corn syrup should be liquified, put the bottle in a pot of hotwater to liquify it.
2. Put one cup of confection sugar in the microwave safe mixingbowl and make a crater in the center.
3. Empty the one oz. package of bubblegum base into the crater and put the bowl in the microwave on medium to medium high for 15 seconds. Press against the bubble gum with a wooden spoon. If the bubble gum is soft and mushy, remove it. If not, microwave it like before until it's soft and easy to mash with a wooden spoon.
4. When the base is soft, add 1 1/2 tablespoons of liquified corn syrup and heat again on medium high for another 15 seconds and remove from microwave.
5. Mix the bubble gum base, the corn syrup and the sugar until they are about halfway mixed together, then add 1/2 teaspoons of bubble gum flavor and continue mixing until it is blended together. When the mixture has cooled and it gets hard to stir, kead it with your hands until its consistently the same texture. Take a lump of some of the bubble gum and place it on a sheet of wax paper dusted with confection sugar.
6. Shape the bubble gum. You can flaten it with your hands or with a rolling pin and cut it to the shape you desire.
7. After you have cut the bubble gum let the bubble gum dry for one hour, then lightly dust each peice with confection sugar and store it in a air-tight container. If you want to you can wrap each piece of bubble gum individualy in wax paper instead of storing them in a container.
The bubble gum should stay fresh for about two weeks.
Have Fun.